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News & Updates

Stay up to date on all the news and happenings at Michael's Motor Cars.

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News & Updates


Michael’s Motor Cars is excited to announce that we're
growing and looking for an experienced part-time auto
mechanic to join our team!  Read more >

For the last decade, Michael's Motor Cars has been lucky enough to work closely with Bonhams Auctions selling a variety of classic cars Read more >

Near the end of August, Mike and Trevor found themselves in a Carlisle shed with this two-tone Hudson.  Read more >

Last fall, Michael and Trevor walked into a barn to find what might be the best-preserved Chevy Nova in existence. When something this speci Read more >

Over the past two weeks, Mike had his "American Pickers" hat on full-time..... Read more >

Mille Miglia

The Mille Miglia, or 1000 miles, is the oldest and most prestigious open-road motor car race in the world. Read more >